Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We have Grass!!

So you all know that we are not the greenest lawn on our street, this year in an attempt to actually catch up with the Jones' we have seeded our dirt spots in our lawn. We did this a week ago today, and Monday I was stressing out because we couldn't see any grass growing, today I looked and there is a green haze over our dirt spots, IT is GROWING!!! I am super happy, Tom told me that if this didn't work then we are tearing out the whole lawn and having dirt:( I would not put it pass him either. Other news, I seem the be the only sister in our family not pregnant, so I will focus on getting skinnier while they all get fat:) No, I am not getting the itch, I just am not looking forward to vacation with the family, as I sit there counting points, and they all eat whatever they want, I will live vicariously through them all. Weight Watchers is going very good for me, I have lost 9.2 lbs (aproximately) in the last 3 weeks, and am not even starving!! I am about a quarter of the way to my goal (don't try doing the math, yes I am fat, but not for long) If I keep going at this pace, I will reach my goal in like 3 1/2 months, just in time to not be the fat mom with the cute flower girls at our neighbors wedding. Anyway, I am going to enjoy this summer finally not being super self-concious(sp?) in my bathing suit and training to run that 5K in October. Love you all, Ta Ta for now