Sunday, January 18, 2009

I would like to thank Jeff for our interesting discussion on our way home from Mom & Dad's Sunday Dinner, it went something like this.
Maddi: Why do boys always have to pee outside!?
Me: I don't know Mad, maybe because they can.
Maddi: My friends do that Jay and Vincer, they pee on the tree and in the grass, God doesn't like that, if you pee on the grass and in the garden. I don't pee outside.
Me: Good Mad, girls don't go outside.
Maddi: Don't they know that you are only supposed to pee inside, in the toilet!
Morgan: Yah, on the potty! I hatta go potty mommy!!
Me: Just hold it till we get home
Morgan: I no hafta go no more
Me: You did not just go in your seat did you?
Morgan: No, I go on the potty!! at home


  1. Dawn, I'm so sorry about that. I make sure Jeff reads this!

  2. Don't be sorry, we thought it was funny!! at least she didn't get more into it and ask more questions, just wait till Miya starts asking him!!
